IRC - top references

IPO-ADVISOR with Top-References from 30+ Years

The integrated IPO/SPAC/STO Advisory from IR CONSULT results in decisive advantages and saves time and money.

An IPO/SPAC/STO is a unique, one-off project. It should therefore be clear that a company does not generally possess this temporarily necessary know-how in house and consequently needs a range of specialist advisors.

A stock market introduction (especially an IPO or STO) is very complex as many activities run parallel and have to be managed in an optimum manner. At the same time, a range of specialists (bankers, auditors, lawyers, investor relations experts, etc.) has to cooperate intensively and as perfectly as possible, a task that is for the most part not easy to organize and manage.

It is time-intensive and leaves the management in the 'hot' phase with little time for its actual operating business - often to the disadvantage of the company.

The act of going public requires a high level of specialist knowledge in the most diverse areas of preparation such as organization, accounting, law, taxation, stock market, communication, etc.

And - last but not least - it incurs high costs. Depending on the size of the company and the stock market segment to which it is allocated, total expenditure runs at around % of income generated via flotation.

It should therefore be clear that the IPO/SPAC/STO process itself may only be launched after careful consideration and only when the company is really prepared for it.

IR CONSULT helps a stock market candidate to successfully cross all these hurdles.

We relieve the management by taking on numerous organizational, coordination and monitoring duties. Thanks to our well-established network, we have access to specialists with longstanding experience in their specific fields and top credentials while, at the same time, offering good value for money. Your first contact however is and always remains IR CONSULT.

A stock market candidate thus benefits from our many years of capital market expertise - including nearly 100 IPOs of our team over the past 30 years - as well as from our unique experience in both banking and corporate contexts.

IR CONSULT, as your independent advisor, helps you as far as the IPO/STO/SPAC process is concerned

• to shape it fully in your company's interest,

• to prepare it in an optimum manner,

• to accelerate it significantly,

• to obtain more favorable terms and conditions and

• to improve the chances of success considerably

The bottom line is therefore that IR CONSULT saves more than we cost.



Am Kirschenberg 43
61239 Ober-Moerlen (nearby Frankfurt/Main)

Alexander Vollet, CEO
Phone : +49 - 6002 - 92042
Mobile: +49 - 172 - 688 4341

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